
Components of an Electrical Fire Protection System

May 7, 2014

If there is a fire at your Vancouver home or business, you have one thing on your mind. You need to keep everyone safe. The best way to accomplish that is by installing an electrical fire protection system. These systems consist of two components, which are fire alarms and emergency lights. These two components will warn everyone so they can get to safety quickly and without incident.

The Alarm

An electrical fire protection system uses heat or smoke detectors to determine if there is a fire. If they pick up on smoke or heat, the alarm will automatically go off in order to let people know that they need to evacuate at once. The alarm can be a siren, bell, buzz, or any other loud noise that will get people's attention.

Emergency Lighting

The emergency lighting consists of emergency stair and exit lights so people can see how to get out of the building, as well as strobe lights to notify people that there is a fire. By providing both audible and visual warnings, people with disabilities will be able to determine that there is a fire and they need to flee to safety.

Proper Installation

Because systems have electrical components, a contractor needs to evaluate the size of the building before the installation. The contractor must make sure that the alarm and emergency lighting will work for the entire building, even if regular electricity is out due to the fire.

Additionally, contractors must follow all of the rules and regulations for installing fire alarm systems. In Canada, that means they must follow ULC S524.

Your fire protection system is one of the most important systems in your entire building. It is more important than the phone system or the copy machine because unlike those items, it can save lives. With that in mind, take special care when installing your fire protection system.

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